
We help our clients find their unique voice and individual style, so that they can connect with real people in the local markets through advertising spots for TV, Radio, Cinema and the digital online platforms.

Amusing, Bewitching, Cool, Deadpan, Effervescent or Fabulous?

Whatever your style, we’ll help you find the right voice for YOUR campaign.

Have a look – and listen – to some of the campaigns we have helped with:

Stop Hibernating! Our British Voice Amy is the distinct voice of this furry character in ID Mobile’s recent campaign…. So much fun was had in these sessions!

 Did you know that it is illegal to advertise to children   in Scandinavia? And that it is strictly forbidden to   advertise tobacco and alcohol?

 In fact the U.S. and New Zealand are the only   countries that allow direct-to-consumer   prescription drug advertisements…

Every day we are surrounded by such a luscious multilingual soundscape… When we helped Squarespace finding their unique German voice for their campaign, Eva-Marie was the perfect choice. Enjoy!

Every language has its unique beauty…

Have a listen to the irresistible Dutch language – here beautifully represented by our voice talent Jan during a fast paced and fun recording session for an advertising campaign…


 We absolutely loved working with SHOPIFY on their latest UK campaigns – it was such a buzz in the studio! Just want to hit the dance floor every time I see and hear this spot…With his background in music, our Urban voice Casper was the perfect choice for this! 💃 🧚‍♀️ 🎧


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Tell us about your latest project and we’ll begin your bespoke matchmaking process straight away.